Insymnia Mud - Help

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Help Term:


Thieves utilize their dexterity into the dark arts of sneaking and

stealing.  Their skills come in handy in many situations, and are often

able to inflict frightening amounts of physical, as well as economic,

damage on an unfortunate victim.  It is generally a bad idea to have a

Thief lusting for your blood and possessions.

Use 'Skills Thief' for a list of skills available to this class.

The minimum stats for the Thief class are:

     STR      INT      WIS      DEX      CON      CHA

      13        9        8       17       13       12

See also: Class, Practice, Skills, Looting

--- List of the Insymniacs:

No one at all!

ScytheLevel: 52
2018-08-30 08:54:54
im alive. barely
LocfinLevel: 101
2018-11-13 08:12:26
Everybody dropped off the face of the mud
ArbosusLevel: 127
2018-11-28 19:19:38
All you slackers should be playing more.
ArbosusLevel: 306
2020-10-15 19:55:03
Haven't seen anyone on in a long time hope all is well.
LocfinLevel: 102
2023-07-07 01:33:59
Man, 2023, I think the age of Muds is long past. :(
Your Player must be at least level 10 to post.

To contact the admin email TheWorldOfInsymnia(at)gmail(dot)com